martes, 1 de mayo de 2012


Possible answers:

1 Do you know where Lakehead University is?
2 Do you have any idea why the moon is so bright?
3 Can you please tell me where you were on Christmas Day?
4 Do you have any idea what the teacher´s family name is?
5  Do you know how much you weigh?
6  Could you please tell me where your mother and father met?
7  Could you please tell me what we did on Wednesday´s class?
8  Can you tell me why you love me?
9  Do you have any idea what Abrahan Lincoln did?
9  Do you know what the teacher studied at university?
10 Do you know if Ottawa is the capital city of Canada?
11 Can you tell me if red meat is healthy for you?
 12 Do you know if the teacher is married?
 13 Can you tell me if you are married?

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